


  • Save/Load scenes
    • Save assetbundles references
    • Save runtime loaded models
    • Save scenes in server
    • Save scenes in local file
    • Load scenes
    • Preview scene with image (and simple photo tool)
  • Resource Browser
    • Resources in webGL [Need fix -> ResourceBD]
    • Async load
    • Preview (static)
      • Better bounds for better preview
    • Preview ( realtime )
    • Prebaked preview from Editor
    • Cached preview
    • Sizable image of preview
  • AssetBundles with more content
    • Uploader of assetbundles from editor
  • Play runtime mode (*Need fixes)
  • Export scene to GLB


  • Editor Import
  • Editor Export
  • Runtime Import
  • Runtime Export
    • Include Models loaded in runtime (Trilib)
  • Include Textures
  • Include Animationes
    • Include Animationes From Resources / Asset Bundles
    • Include Animations From Imported Models (Trilib)
    • Multiple export of Animations
  • GLTF format
  • GLB format
  • URP
  • HDRP
  • Share in a server (With Strapi)
  • Autoconversor to USDZ (With Strapi & External Server for Conversion Docker)

Import Models (Trilib)

  • FBX
  • OBJ
  • ZIP
  • STL
  • PLY
  • MF
  • From local file
  • From URL
  • From Server


  • Transform utility (Move, Rotate, Scale)
    • With Snap
    • Editable Snap
    • Local/Object space
    • Pivot/Center selection
  • Selector system
    • Calculate bounds (Advanced with children)
    • Highlight with bounds/mesh/outliner
    • Selectable by position (not using raycast)
    • Selectable by bounds
    • Selectable by collider
    • Policy to get best selectable option
    • Configurable selectable option
  • Undo System
    • Based on GILES
    • Work with advanced hierarchy
  • Advanced Hierarchy
    • Multiselection (Need improvements)
  • Material Editor
    • Editable Textures
      • Upload new textures
    • Materials project selection
    • Editable Colors
    • Editable Shaders


  • Personalizable Interface
    • Customizable colors of interface (swatchr)
  • Multilanguage
  • Grid System
    • Customizable and reactive grid
  • Gizmo Camera
  • FPS statistics viewer
  • Debug/console
  • Graphic settiongs
    • Advanced graphic settings
  • Dragable and resizable panels
  • More basic interface (Dummy Editor)
  • Draggable Prefabs to Scene


  • Editor

  • Standalone

    • Windows
  • WebGL

    • WebXR ?
  • Viewer Android

  • Viewer Android AR

    • ARFoundation
    • Vuforia
  • Oculus QUest

    • Editor
  • SteamVR / OpenXR

    • Editor
  • Hololens 2

  • Azure Spatial Anchors + GPS

  • Multiplayer mode

  • Integration of Addressables Builder

Cloud Features

  • Save Scenes
  • Save Prefabs / Models
  • Save GLB / USDZ
  • Users
  • User Rights
  • Asset Bundles

WebAR Viewer / Model-Viewer (No Unity)

  • Viwer Models GLB
  • AR Mode (Chrome)
  • AR Mode iOS (USDZ) !Need Fixes
  • Animations support
    • Animattions selection
  • QR Generator



Personal project:

uEditor is a runtime webGL editor made in Unity.

  • This can load 3D models in rutime (fbx, obj, gltf, glb, also in Zip) and asset bundles.
  • Can save and load made scenes in a json file or in a webserver
  • Can export scenes to GLB (and show it in a webpage and in WebAR)
  • Can autoconvert GLB to USDZ
  • Customizable Editor